Top 10 Business ideas in India with Low Investment

Low Cost Business Ideas in India

Everyone wants to earn more and more and in India. There are too many young and dynamic people who are hungry to eat money. These people are always searching for business ideas with low investment.

top 10 business ideas in india with low investment

And here is an extensive list of Top 10 Business ideas in India with Low Investment in 2019, best suitable for housewives and students.

There is no geographical dependency on these low-cost business ideas in India. No matter whether you are in New Delhi, Lucknow, Goa or Chennai.

These top 10 small business ideas in India are great for anyone to start today.

Few key points to be considered before starting a new business

1. A proper strategy

It is very important to understand the business operation flow before starting a new business. Plan a proper strategy like,

  • How to promote your business?
  • How to increase online visibility?
  • How you will manage funds for a startup?
  • What are the upcoming challenges and how you will tackle them?

2. Backup Plan

Most of the startups failed due to the avoidance of backup plans. People get excited and start a business but they never think in case if the business gets down then how to make it balanced. Make a list of complete backup plan like,

  • Have some backup funds always available in your bank account
  • If your business have a website, keep a techy guy for 24/7 support behind you
  • Collaborate with your friends and colleagues for business popularity and moral support

Top 10 business ideas in India with Low Investment

#10. Mobile Repair Shop (Invest Rs.5,000)

According to the sources, India will exceed 800 million mobile users by the end of 2022. And this figure will be increasing as long as the new brands with cheaper price get launch in the market.

Consistently the demand for mobile phone suppliers and their repair person is increasing day by day.

top 10 business ideas in india with low investment

Starting a mobile selling business is tough as it needs at least Rs.2 lacs to invest in India but it hardly requires Rs.5,000 to start a mobile repair business and trust me this is one of the great small business ideas in India.

How to start a mobile repair shop

  1. Learn a little about repairing mobile phones (collaborate with existing repair person nearby)
  2. Search for a small shop in a fully crowded area (preferred in the market)
    You don’t need a big shop for starting a mobile repair business
  3. Buy basic tools like screwdrivers, nails, etc.
  4. Have a stunning banner board at your shop and that’s all. You have launched your business.

Investment: Rs.5,000/-
Shop Area Required: 8ft X 8ft is sufficient

#9. Laundry Business (Invest Rs.4,000)

Trust me, it seems a little disrespectful but this business is a great idea to earn money in India.


You don’t need to have a big office for operating laundry business but you only need a vacant space or area to dry the clothes, bedsheets, etc.

Laundry BusinessIn my opinion, you even don’t need to invest huge money to start but the all you need to market yourself as a laundry business owner and have contacts with people and tell them that you are providing laundry service at a very reasonable price with the best quality.

How to start a laundry business in India

  • Talk with few washermen and have a collaboration with them
  • Search for an area where you can put the clothes under sunlight for drying them
  • Have a good quality iron for pressing the clothes in order to represent your service quality

How much do I need to invest?

Investment: Rs.4,000/-

Space: Vacant land or roof of at least 25ft X 25ft

Business Risk: Very Low

#8. Tiffin Service (Invest Rs.10,000)

Fooding has always been a great business. The biggest reason is that no one can bear hunger for a long time. It means the market is full of customers.

Tiffin Service BusinessThere are many employees in companies who belong to a different city and doing job in your city. Take advantage of it and talk to them. Explain to them that you are serving a great quality homemade food at a reasonable price and they will definitely try at least once.

In the same way, there are many shop owners who buy food from others due to the far distance between their shop and home.

I am sure the market is full of such potential customers. So, start marketing your business and trust me this is one of the low-cost business ideas in India.

How much do I need to invest?

Investment: Rs.10,000/-

Space: Operate it from home. No commercial space needed at the starting.

Business Risk: Very Low

#7. House Cleaning Services (Invest Rs.10,000)

House cleaning services are one of the low-cost business ideas in India as many giant companies like UrbanClap or Haptik have launched their Apps and websites to provide a world-class cleaning service.

Low cost business idea in India - House CleaningBut they are limited to big cities only. You should take advantage of this business and the competitor’s strategy in your small town. Make a Website with WordPress today (very easy and no coding) and launch your business with an online presence.

You only need one team member at the beginning and once you start getting a market response, hire more people in your team.

How much do I need to invest?

Investment: Rs.10,000/-

Space: Just need a small space of 15ft X 15ft for office setup

Business Risk: Average

#6. Tailoring Business (Invest Rs.5,000)

Have you watched the movie “Sui Dhaga”? If not then watch it today and you will come to know the power of tailoring business.

Tailoring Business idea - Top 10 Business ideas in IndiaIs there anyone who doesn’t love to wear beautiful clothes?

And think if you design and stitch a proper fitting cloth for someone who loves to wear it, what you will get it in return?

Fashion industry gave huge employment in India. Start a fashion boutique and stitch clothes for people. Female clothing business is at the boom nowadays.

And it just needs your stitching talent and a sewing machine. Have a small shop and set up with a sewing machine and few tools like scissors, needles, thread boxes, etc.

You are good to go and this is one of the topmost low-cost business ideas in India.

How much do I need to invest?

Investment: Rs.5,000/-

Space: 8ft X 8ft

Business Risk: Very Low

#5. Dropshipping Business (Invest 5,000)

Many of the people haven’t heard about this term “Dropshipping” but you know what this is something which can make you a Lakhpati in few days.

Dropshipping from homeDropshipping means you receive an order from the customer and pass it to the vendor. Rest vendor manages delivery, payments and all and then they will send you a handsome commission for it.

How cool it that?

You don’t need to manage the products inventory, you don’t need to register for a payment gateway and nothing. Just have an eCommerce website and list out the products of your vendor.

Once you receive an order on your website, just pass it to the vendor and get your commission.

Start a dropshipping business today. There are many drop shipping companies like Meesho, Hothaat, etc.

How much do I need to invest?

Investment: Either promote products from Facebook and other social media platforms or create an eCommerce website.

Space: Not needed. Operate from home itself.

Business Risk: No Risk

#4. Air Conditioning Repair Business (Invest Rs.8,000)

Due to warm weather in summer days in India, especially from April to September people use air conditioners 20+ hours per day just to keep themselves cool and healthy.

Ac Repair - Top 10 business ideasBut a machine needs service and repair time by time and here the people need an air conditioner repair technician.

Trust me this is one of the best low-cost business ideas in India as you only need to learn how to repair ac and that’s all.

For promotion, use pamphlets/flyers marketing, or have a stunning website with WordPress which hardly cost you Rs.3500 per year.

How much do I need to invest?

Investment: This business needs a very low investment. You only need to work with some ac repair expert and learn how to repair air conditioners.

Space: Not mandatory but have at least 15ft X 15ft for office setup

Business Risk: Low Risk

#3. Pizza Delivery Business (Invest Rs.20,000)

Pizza DeliveryThis is one of the top 10 business ideas in India with low investment these days as people are totally dependent on junk food. Of course, we should avoid junk food but if it gives you an opportunity to earn, then just start delivering the best pizza in your small town.

I started this business in 2014 and trust me we got more than 100 orders per day. The advantage was that there was no other pizza delivery service in my city and that’s what made me successful. After 2 years, I left this business(will discuss some other time why I did so) 😊.

How much do I need to invest?

Investment: Buy a microwave, arrange pizza boxes for delivery and a bike.

Space: Not mandatory. Manage your home kitchen as we utilized the same.

Business Risk: Low Risk

#2. Become a Website Developer (Invest Rs.4,500)

Wait! Wait! Wait!

Web Developer - Business Ideas in India with Low cost and huge profitIt’s not too complex to make a website. Even I didn’t know how to make a website a few years ago but I learned it from my senior colleagues and trust me guys, it is too simple.

You only need to be on the right track and you can be a web developer within 2 days without learning a single line of code.

I have earned $30k+ from 2015 to 2018 and this is one of the best low-cost business ideas in India with a nominal investment of Rs.4,500.

I am still a full-time web developer and part-time blogger.

How much do I need to invest?

Investment: Rs.4,500/- (Learn how to create a website in 1 hour)

Space: Work from home. Just sit with your laptop and start developing websites.

Business Risk: Very Low

#1. Be a Blogger (Invest Rs.3,000)

Hah! This one is my favorite as there is no technical knowledge needed to become a full-time blogger but its returns are in millions.

Blogging - Small Business Idea in India with low investmentIn the last decade, there are many newbies started writing what they love and they are making huge money with their content, their thoughts. You need to create a blog and then start writing about what you love.

There are many ways to earn with a blog like Google Adsense, Affiliate Marketing, etc.

Learn how to make a blog, implementing Google Adsense and earning with affiliate marketing in Hindi with my complete video tutorial.


How much can I earn with a Blog?

Well, there is no limit of earning with a blog as the more you will write, the more you will earn.

How much do I need to invest?

Investment: Rs.3,000/- You need to buy a great domain name and reliable web hosting for your blog. Buy here.

Space: Oh man! you can blog by sitting in your lobby, in the bedroom or in your car. No restriction of space.

Business Risk: Very Low


After working in the market and seeing the competition, I suggest to start your blog today and write blog posts honestly. Remember, your hard work will not be wasted at all and very soon you will be getting earnings from your blog. I earned $400 as the first earning from my blog in April 2019. Create a blog today.


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